Wednesday, March 29, 2017


23 March 1690 John Esdras Edzard, minister signed certificate that Gerrard Muysken of Osnabrug, Westphalia took oath and sacrament at the Lutheran Church of Trinity the Less

23 March 1690, John Esdras Edzard, minister signed certificate that John Dorryes of Hamburg took oath and sacrament at the True Protestant Lutheran Church of Trinity the Less

13 Nov 1690 John Esdras Edzard, minister signed certificate that Carl Isaac is a protestant and received the Lords Supper in the Protestant Lutheran late parish Church of Trinity the Less, London

8 February 1692 John Esdras Edzard minister of church formerly called Trinity the Less, signed a certificate the John James Nicolai, a high German of Dresden in Saxony, late Adjutant General to the Elector of Bavaria and Gentleman of the German Emperor’s Embassy to the present Majesties is a true Protestant Lutheran Church in the city of London, and that he received the sacrament there on 16 Jan 1692

2 April 1694 John Esdras Edzard minister and Theodore Jacobsen, Henry Jacobsen, and Peter Seliken, trustees, signed a certificate that a group of men received the sacrament at the Lutheran Church in Trinity Lane

17 January 1695 John Esdras Edzard, minister, and Theodore Jacobsen & David Becceler, Trustees, signed a certificate that Henry Sperling from Danzig is a true Protestant and took the sacrament in the High German Lutheran Church late Parish Church Trinity the Less

11 February 1695 John Esdras Edzard minister, and trustees Theodore Jacobsen & David Beeceler signed certiifacites that persons had taken the sacrament, the first of five in the true Protestant Hihg German Lutheran late Parish Church, Trinity the Less, London

16 May 1698 Esdras Edzard, minister, and trustees signed certificate that David Langenmantel from Ausburg, Germany took sacraments at the Protestant High German Lutheran Church in London

19 January 1699 John Esdras Edzard minster signed certificate that Reinier Sbuelen from Hamburg, Germany took sacraments at the Protestant High German Church in Trinity Lane

12 April 1699 John Esdras Edzard minister signed certificate that Hans Jacob von Strassen from Hamburg, Germany took sacraments at the Protestant High German Lutheran Church in London

24 April 1699 John Esdras Edzard minister signed certificate that Servas Latomus from Frankfort, Germany took sacraments at the High German Lutheran Church in London

6 February 1700 John Esdras Edzard minister signed certificate that John Nieman of Wismar, and Baltzar Lyell of Stockholm took sacraments at the High German Protestant Church in London

19 February 1700 John Esdras Edzard minister signed certificate that Samuel Reimers took sacraments at the High German Lutheran Church in London

2 March 1700 John Esdras Edzard minister signed certificate that John William Lutkens of Hamburg, Germany took sacraments at the High German Church in London

25 September 1705 John Esdras Edzard, minister of the Lutheran Church in London, recommended Esdras Marcus Lichtenstein, poor High German parson, and son to Hamburg – Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series of the Reign of Anne, Knighton

28 March 1706 Edzard recommended Frederick Pasdorff and Christopher Wilkins to Holland

16 May 1706 J E Edzard minster recommended John Esdras Edzard and son Gustav with John Neiman, Daniel Kroger, George Prigg, George Seidell, and Gethard Lupkins to Holland

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